10. Male Bonding - Nothing Hurts
Getting the job done in under half an hour, noise-pop group Male Bonding's debut Nothing Hurts rocks the fast-paced noise pop to the ground. From the punky "Year's Not Long" to the cool atmospheric break "Franklin", Nothing Hurts is one of the year's strongest noise-pop album around.
From the clank-filled drum fills to the beautiful three-part harmonies, Local Natives' debut Gorilla Manor impresses. On opening track "Wide Eyes", the whole album is revealed with, deep rushing bass and eccentric guitar lines, Local Natives have much promise in the future.
Swedish folk artist Kristain Matsson's, aka The Tallest Man On Earth, sophomore LP follows the nifty, down-to-earth folk that Matsson specializes in. The Wild Hunt is passionate, romantic and very raw and will please any fan of Bob Dylan and classic folk.
The dreamy teen pop group of Beach House's third LP, Teen Dream, delivers and fully solidifies Beach House's premier sound. With dreamy hits like "Zebra" and "Lover of Mine", Beach House puts out their most strong effort to date.
6. The Morning Benders - Big
Co-produced by Grizzly Bear bassist Chris Taylor, the Californian boy of The Morning Benders create a very atmospheric album with lush, articulate tracks like "Pleasure Sighs" and "Promises". Sophomore act Big Echo is a big step up from their debut Talking Through Tin Cans.
Formally Final Fantasy, Owen Pallett takes on his very quirky baroque pop feel on third album, Heartland. Telling the story of Lewis, Pallett's unique lyrics and exciting song writing, shines through the lush orchestra compositions.
Following 2007's highly successful album The Boxer, The National return with an even more exciting, soulful fifth LP that rocks. High Violet's beautiful song written lines exchange interestingly through transitions with heart-filled "England" and depressing "Sorrow".
Based off the historical event of the USS Monitor, shoegaze punk rocking Titus Andronicus releases their sophomore LP The Monitor. Epic filled choruses of screams and shouts, Titus Andronicus won't disappoint. On opening track "A More Perfect Union", Titus dominates the sound waves with heavy guitar lines and unique lyrics.
James Murphy's high anticipated third and final album under the title of LCD Soundsystem, sounds as fresh combining elements of both of his previous two LPs. This Is Happening is what's happening, from the dancy "One Touch" to the guitar screaming epic "All I Want", James Murphy continues to impress.
Steven Ellison's sound sounds the most matured on his latest album Cosmogramma bringing in unique and addicting samples of raw, obscure sounds. Feautring Thom Yorke and Laura Darlington, Ellison releases his best album to date. "Arkestry" is a unique blend of electronics and avant-garde jazz.
Six more months of awesome music.
Yeah I don't know what happened with this post, I tried fixing the large text at the end, but it wouldn't work.